This morning we woke up to a beautiful day at Jason and Carrie’s house in Banks:
M worked with their kids to spread hay:
At night, the adults played Settlers of Catan and an interesting card game called Dominion.
This morning we woke up to a beautiful day at Jason and Carrie’s house in Banks:
M worked with their kids to spread hay:
At night, the adults played Settlers of Catan and an interesting card game called Dominion.
Have you ever read “The Backyard Homestead”? It turned us from apartment-dwelling porch-gardeners into apartment-dwelling wannabe homesteaders!
Also, we play Catan and Ticket to Ride fairly often (we don’t own Dominion yet but we’ve played before.) If you’re into board games, you should drop us a line when you’re back in Monsey!
Hi Ben,
That sounds like a great book, I’ll have to take a look at it.
We should be back in Monsey in the spring, so don’t put the games away over Pesach! 🙂