This morning we launched the model rockets the kids built a couple weeks ago. M was first up:
B’s turn:
Next we drove the mile or so to Kodachrome Basin State Park. We hiked a trail in the northern part of the park:
Kodachrome Basin is notable for its sand spires, thought to have been formed in a process similar to that which forms tufa:
B photographs the spire:
B photographs Juniper berries:
We next hiked a trail in the southern park of the park that led to Shakespeare Arch:
Next we arrived at Sentinel Spire:
Posing at the base of the spire:
We could see the RV in the distance:
The kids received their Junior Ranger badges, their first from a Utah state park:
We did another rocket launch in the afternoon:
M’s rocket lost a fin in flight. B’s parachute failed to deploy, the rocket came straight down, and the rocket body impaled itself on the nosecone, which deployed and descended pointed side up:
The kids and I worked on M’s motorcycle. I cut flat stock long enough to fit into both sides of the broken frame tube, then slid the frame halves over the flat stock:
We then drilled through the frame and flat stock within, and bolted it all together. We will finish the other side tomorrow:
I also installed a light fixture in B’s room to act as a night light:
Dusk at Grand Staircase-Escelante National Monument:
So many wonderful pictures. Really enjoy your photography.
Thanks, there’s a lot to work with here!